

Baby, Toddler, And Preschool Sign Classes, New And Expecting Parent Classes, And More!

The parent child connection offers baby and toddler sign language classes through Wee Hands. Locations for these classes include Cary Gymboree, Private Classes, and Dance Theatre South, Sutton Station, Durham, NC. Free presentation classes held at local libraries and other locations throughout the Triangle Area.

We also offer The Happiest Baby Certified Educator Program classes to new and expecting parents, as well as classes for day care staff. A lot of surprises and useful information and tips are expecting the participants. Some of the participants will get special presents for the upcoming Valentine’s day. The rest will get smaller ones. Classes are currently being held at Cary Gymboree and child care facilities across the Triangle Area.


Why wait to communicate?

Talk to your baby and toddler before they even learn to speak!
Wouldn’t it be great to know why your baby is crying? Or why your toddler is upset? Teaching them to sign what they want/feel/need is a wonderful way to help them communicate with you, and boost their IQ and vocabulary!

Research conclusively indicates that babies who sign tend to have a stronger command of verbal language and often begin speaking at an earlier age than babies who do not sign. Countless parents and caregivers have confirmed these findings with their personal experiences and observations. In addition, many Speech-Language professionals, pediatricians, and educators are supporting the use of signs to encourage early language development. Classes are available for babies and young children ages 0 to preschool!
See classes here.

See my son at 6 months old sign a 2 word sentence! Two word sentences usually do not appear until sometime between 17 and 22 months! My now 8 month old signs 2 of them: MORE DADA and MORE MILK and has 9 total signs: more, milk, dada, mama, eat, what, up, waves bye and light, and 3 spoken words: hi, mama, and dada! Signing with your baby and toddler really DOES work!


When you are pregnant, you dream of the day when you will hold your angelic newborn in your arms.

If you are like most parents, your dreams don’t include the possibility that instead, you’ll be walking the floors with a baby who won’t sleep or has colic, wondering just what it is you’re doing wrong and why he doesn’t like you.

If you have been blessed with a baby who won’t sleep or just cries and cries, then this site was created with you in mind. We are going to introduce you to simple tools which will help you relieve calm your baby and help her sleep quicker than you thought possible and will leave you and your baby less stressed and much happier. The Happiest Baby on the Block method will help your baby sleep soundly for longer than you thought possible!